
In addition to the many valuable hours of our volunteers, we continue to look to donors for funds to continue to improve Parkview Meadows to ensure our seniors can retire in a comfortable, safe and clean environment, offering them the best amenities that we can.

We value our financial donors and acknowledge their generosity by adding their names to our donor wall.

If you would like to consider making a donation, please contact us today.  In the meantime, here’s a short article from a previous newsletter.

What does it take for a person to make a significant decision? What appears to be a simple “yes” or “no” decision is often the outcome of a variety of circumstances. For example consider John, who leaving church one Sunday was handed the latest “Parkview Meadows Today!” newsletter. A young successful business executive, retirement facilities were the last thing on his mind. Arriving at work one day, John found his mail opened on his desk waiting his attention. One of the first letters that caught his eye, was a letter from the Parkview Meadows Communication and Development Coordinator inviting him to be part of a challenge by making a donation. His donation, so wrote the letter writer , would help Parkview Meadows reduce capital costs by funds raised to furnish the new “Gardenview” long-term care facility. He was given different options to which his name or the business name could be attached.. Donate enough tofurnish a room, to outfit a dining room or common area, a therapy room, a chapel and all purpose room. He could also donate the cost of an electric bed, an easy chair or chest of drawers, or even a pallet of 50 or 100 bricks at $10.00 each . A host of possibilities.

Why me? John did not know much about the place, other than that his wife’s aunt lived there and seemed happy with the care given. A few weeks later he received a visit from the Coordinator who told him more about the spacious Christian retirement place With the life lease, rental and assisted living facilities. He received an invitation to visit and consider a tax deductible gift. What caused John to decide to make a $10,000 donation? Was it the newsletter or the letter from the Coordinator? Was it the fundraising pitch or his realestate friend telling him that in a few years seniors would be one of the largest percentages of the population? Was it tax savings and his name on one of the rooms? Or was it an investment in a Christian facility serving the wants and needs of an ever increasing “grey wave.

It may have been some of the above. Significant decisions are usually the result of many sources that help shape our knowledge and attitudes, leading to specific actions. Your donation, combined with the gifts of others will make it possible for Parkview Meadows to complete this new and challenging commitment.